Customers’ Second response rate usually decides whether you can succeed or not. The key is how to improve the second response rate. There are 13 respects that you need to pay attention to:
1不注意预览文本Pay no attention to text preview
预览文字中显示的字符数量各不相同。对于Apple Mail,它是140个字符。对于大多数其他电子邮件客户端,它是35-90个字符。一些电子邮件客户端(比如旧版本的Outlook)根本没有任何预览文本。你的预览需要吸引用户,就像标题一样。
The displayed character amounts are different. For Apple Mail, there are 140 character amounts. For a majority of other e-mail clients, there are 35 to 90 e-mail clients. Some e-mail clients (like Outlook in older version) don’t have any characters. Your preview needs to attract other users like other headlines.
2不要用RE或FWD标题Don’t use RE or FWD headlines displayed well on the mobile devices
Using a RE tag, it will make your emails like responds. FWD tags will make it look like a friend has transmitted your email. However, these tactics won’t work because they will only harm a brand’s reputation.
3有语法错误Grammatical mistakedevices
Google文档和Microsoft Word不够远,无法检查您的语法。这个一般需要专业的技术人员去制作邮件模板,像一些EDM提供商都有提供邮件模板,可以去参考如 benchmarkemail,Mailchimp
For Google documents and Microsoft Word, the grammars can’t be checked. For this, professional technicians need to make email templates. Some EDM providers will provide them. We can go to benchmarkemail, Mailchimp.
4电子邮件列表过于老旧Mailing list is too old
Do you keep developing email contacts? If not, your greatest marketing assets will disappear. The best method is to verify the availability of the emails (with the help of Emailcamel). There are also other methods such as to send emails to the closest users. However, there are differences between invalid contacts and non-openers.
5消息被标记为垃圾邮件Messages are market as junk mails
Some salespersons send some mails with only one pictures. These mails will eventually go to junk mails folder because ISP can’t read them. If they keep sending unproductive mails, they will also be marked as junk mails. Some people buy a electronic mailing list and some of the emails are in the Spamhaus.
6你的标题有不必要的标点Unnecessary punctuation in your title
过分的标点符号已经不受欢迎,就像RE和FWD标签一样。一些最不受欢迎的不必要的标点符号是:多个感叹号,表情符号,星号等。除非通过A / B测试证明是成功的,否则尽量不要用这些标点符号。
A few punctuation has been proved unwelcome like RE and FWD tag. It includes: plural exclamation point, emoji and asterisk. Try not to use these unless they have gone through A/B test.
7电子邮件未被优化以达到在手机上显示完好 Some emails have not been optimized so that it can’t be displayed well on the mobile devices
More and more people are using some mobile devices like mobile phones to read their mails. If your mails have not been optimized for mobile devices, less people will pay attention to your mails.
8正在使用无回复的电子邮件地址 Using emails address that don’t allow others to respond
It’s inappropriate. Customers won’t enjoy the milk of human kindness. They will suppose that your are not sincere. I bet you don’t want email communication to be like a one-way street. That’s why people will choose to cancel subscription.
9使用太多术语Uses of too many terms
行业行话让人失意。然而,取代行话很困难。这就是为什么你应该使用同义词。 这种写作风格让你知道你在说什么。术语经常被抛在脑后,一段时间后就失去了意义。重新定义单词和短语,人们将开始打开你的电子邮件,因为他们会更有趣。
People will feel frustrated by your jargon. However, it’s difficult to replace it. That’s why you need to use synonyms. This writing style makes you know what exactly you want to express. The terms are abandoned and after a while, it will lose its meaning. After redefining the words and phrases, people will start to opening your emails because they are interested.
10没有告知客户把你列入白名单 Haven’t informed customers of listing you in the white list
你可以通过一些方式或者收单,要求他们将你列入白名单,以便在收件箱中正常显示。 白名单的操作方式取决于电子邮件客户端。使用Gmail,可以点击名称旁边的照片。然后卡会弹出。该卡的左下角是“添加到联系人”的按钮。一旦他们这样做,你将被列入白名单。
You can require them to list you in the white list in some ways so that you emails will be displayed normally in their inbox. The operating mode of listing white list differs from various email client. When using Gmail, you can click the picture ads near the name. And the card will pop up. The lower left quarter is the button of “Add to Contacts”. After this step, you will listed in the white list.